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Dr. Jan Bedell • 5 July 2022

Dr. Jan Bedell's podcast brings to the foreground how best to identify what is the best approach in teaching your child how to read.


You see, there are several ways to teach reading.  For instance, phonics is an excellent way to instill this skill, providing the student's auditory processing abilities are at or above their grade level.  Auditory Processing?  Yes. It's a functional ability measurable by testing. It measures current ability to hold a certain number of pieces of information in short term memory, then after a brief interval to recall it in sequence it was given correctly and utilize it.  To try to incorporate phonics  without the ability to hold information, recall and utilize it just doesn't work.  To check out your child's current level of function in their auditory processing, follow this  link and download a FREE AUDITORY PROCESSING TEST KIT.   Also available is the a FREE VISUAL PROCESSING TEST KIT .   The instructions are detailed and the rational for the activity is well explained and enlightening.


In this podcast Dr. Jan will instruct you on the various ways reading can be taught, such as sight or learning styles - often competing disciplines, yet there are ways to discover how best your student functions and which way of teaching is most advantageous for him or her.The body content of your post goes here. To edit this text, click on it and delete this default text and start typing your own or paste your own from a different source.

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by Dr. Jan Bedell 24 August 2022
HOW THE NEURO-DEVELOPMENTAL APPROACH CAN IMPROVE LEARNING ABILITIES Little Giant Steps, a NeuroDevelopmental Consulting Group has been helping families for over twenty years to improve the learning abilities of children, teens, and adults. We use an approach that changes the functional abilities in the brain. It may sound like rocket science, but it is actually a natural developmental process every human being goes through. Unfortunately, many of our children miss these vital steps, however, through the plasticity of the brain, can be picked up by following specific programs, many are like games, that increase learning abilities. The NeuroDevelopmental Approach is a practice of stimulating the brain with specific activities that will bring about an increase in neuro-pathways, resulting in better neuro-efficiency. With better neuro-efficiency one can receive, process, store and retrieve information more easily resulting in improved organization, short term memory, long term memory, coordination and academic abilities. If an individual has certain number of symptoms that are observed for at least six months, they typically receive a label. In our experience, help for a loved one with learning challenges is much more beneficial than a label. We work with the root causes of learning difficulties as opposed to teaching coping and compensating skills or medicating. Whether you or your child has been labeled, or is having difficulties with tasks such as handwriting or math proficiency, the NeuroDevelopmental approach offers the solution many have searched for. The body content of your post goes here. To edit this text, click on it and delete this default text and start typing your own or paste your own from a different source.
by Dr. Jan Bedell 22 August 2022
Learning can be made easy! How? With all learning problems there is a root cause that can be identified and remedied. When the brain and body are communicating efficiently then sensory input is improved and the learning process can become a joy. Learning Disabilities has become an epidemic in the United States. Labels like Dyslexia, ADD/ ADHD, PDD (Pervasive Developmental Delays), and Autism. These labels have invaded the lives of children and their families and have forever changed the landscape of education. Has the joy of learning been diminished? Yes, it has without a doubt. The professionals at Little Giant Steps are trained to utilize The Neurodevelopmental Approach and have had many years of success in making learning fun again! We address these "symptoms" by using a two-fold assessment. First, using a battery of educational tests, a baseline for math, reading and comprehension are established. Next, a developmental evaluation where nine levels of development in six areas of function are assessed. This information gives the Neurodevelopmentalist or Neuro-Educational Specialist the basis for writing an individualized program. The program will address the root causes. The one common element in all learning issues, from our point of view, has to do with sensory dysfunction. Built into the brain is the element of neuroplasticity which is the natural ability of the brain to change, or repair those areas that are deficient, incomplete, or damaged. We know we can make a difference in the lives of our clients, because we've seen it over and over again. Learning can truly be made a joyful experience that will last a lifetime. "Learning Disabilities Don't Have To Last A Lifetime!"
by Dr. Jan Bedell 19 August 2022
MOST IMPORTANT INFANT'S DEVLOPMENT You know how important a solid foundation is for a building. Did you know, for infants, time spent on their tummy is just as foundationally important to their learning abilities, if not more so? God gave us infants who are not developmentally "complete" once out of the womb. They have "Big Developmental Activities" that must be completed - (especially in developing their brain and body connections). The way to accomplish these crutial events is by being on their tummies most waking hours. This is how the brain is mapped (connected) to their body parts. The brain must learn through the largest sensory system of the body - the skin. The way to get the skin totally involved is by the baby being on their tummy! Without signals from stimulation, pressure, temperature, stretching, pushing, pulling, eye-tracking, lifting their head and shoulders, the lower levels of the brain don't start to get organized, and many other bodily-system connections don't develop properly. To grow neuro-connections that send signals from the brain to various body parts, the infant must have daily encounters on a hard surface, so they can have the "workout" that's required to build brain/body connections, muscles in arms, legs, necks, shoulders, back, development of eye-tracking, focusing, looking, and developing sensory knowledge of the world around them ~ hard, soft, cold, warm, hot, wet, dry, etc. These much-needed connections growing between their brain and body is responsible for developing intentional acts rather than random movement. Without the neuro-connections, the neuro-muscular development, the child will suffer from lack of integration, physical, mental and functional delays. The good news is that these infants, toddlers, children, teens, and even adults can always receive a NeuroDevelopmental Program that will bring about the functional abilities that were missed in the early years. Life without being a whole, functionally-rich person is frustrating, causes depression, hopelessness, self-hatred, behavior issues, and poor adapting abilities along with very poor self-esteem. It's like competing in a world with your hands and brain tied behind your back! When a person can't learn due to neuro-inefficiencies it is devastating. Please know that having a learning disability does not have to last a lifetime. The intervention of a Brain Training Program can bring about a totally new life and an approach that is healthy, strong and vital! Learn More with our articles , and free webinars and podcasts PLEASE.... HAVE YOUR BABY ON THEIR TUMMIES DURING THEIR WAKING HOURS! All this results in their brains being stimulated so neuro-connections are made and they develop into functionally coordinated and organized children and later adults! They deserve the best learning foundation possible!
by Dr. Jan Bedell 17 August 2022
This podcast discusses whether or not labels are effective and the amazing work from Dr. Jan Bedell at Little Giant Steps. The latest podcast discusses the challenging world out there for parents of struggling learners. Take a few minutes to listen and learn. All types of questions arise like these and Dr. Jan will address: Why can’t my child stay focused on his work? Why can’t she remember from one day to the next? Is she just not paying attention or is there something else at the bottom of this? Is this a character/behavior issue or is there another reason for this inability to follow directions? Why is reading, math, spelling and/or writing so hard for her/him? Why are textures of food such an issue? Shouldn’t getting dressed in the morning be a little easier? After all it is just a sock! Do I need to get him/her tested for a learning disability? The NeuroDevelopmental Approach takes a different look at the symptoms in the questions listed above. Looking for what causes these challenges is the first step toward finding the way to stimulate the brain so it changes. A changed brain produces changed abilities. Changed abilities causes changed behaviors. Many times labels like dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, dysgraphia, dyscalculia frequently come with a vague list of things that could be tried and often leave parents confused as to what to do next. Sometimes labels come with recommendations for expensive therapies. The “Brain Coach Tip” here is that these type labels can and often should be avoided.
by Dr. Jan Bedell 15 August 2022
Dr. Jan Bedell, PhD, M.ND has brought together the elements that allows for math conceptual understanding. like no other. Visual Circle Math offers an effective paradigm shift in the way math is taught. The student is shown visually how to solve math problems repeatedly before the expectation of solving the problem alone occurs. This method leads to true learning that lasts a lifetime. All procedures are based on the NeuroDevelopmental Approach. The techniques used in the application is as important to the developmental processes, as is the subject matter. This is true because stimulating the development of the brain and body connections are impacted simultaneously. This program is designed to start a beginning mathematician out with a good foundation of math concepts or quickly accelerate those students that are struggling or bored with the current math curriculum. Visual Circle Math meets a broad range of needs. Concepts range from kindergarten level to the beginning of 5th grade. The Visual Circle Math method: Diminishes math fact errors with simple strategies Allows the student to advance confidently in understanding each math concepts Enhances the student’s ability to remember math concepts in long term memory
by Dr. Jan Bedell 11 August 2022
Breaks from school typically come with other challenges that make it fun, stressful, wonderful and exhausting. Now it is time to get back in the groove for a successful new semester. This can come with its own challenges but is often intensified when a child has learning struggles or label. Take a break and listen here . Getting back into math for many children and especially for those with dyscalculia or math dread can be challenging to put it mildly. Jan Bedell, the Brain Coach will give you tips on how to make that transition much easier. The recall of previously learned math concepts can be an easy one with the right technique. Dr. Jan Bedell, Little Giant Steps' Brain Coach says: Hints for the first few days back at school after the break: Start with only one or two subjects the first few days and add a little at a time. Spend time reading to the children for extended amount of time to get them back in the habit of sustained focus. Recommended reading: Upper elementary/middle school age – The Bronze Bow (tie this to your study of Roman times) and Carry on Mr. Bowditch (American History/Navigation) Elementary age- Benjamin West and His Cat Grimalkin (America’s first Artist)
by Dr. Jan Bedell 11 August 2022
Do you have an Absent-Minded Professor at your house? The child that is really smart but has a low attention span, trouble sitting still, difficulty following directions, knows something one day and not the next, overreacts to sounds, touch, etc. Many of these are symptoms of ADD/ADHD and from our point of view are caused by something in the brain that is not quite working the way it should. Join Dr. Jan Bedell, on Brain Coach Tips podcast and learn what you can do to help organize the brain (thought processes), and improve auditory processing (short-term memory). It's all a matter of development! Practice, in this case, makes perfect!
by Dr. Jan Bedell 9 August 2022
When a child suffers from sensory overload, the experience not only sends them into a fight or flight response, but for them it is a very painful ordeal. Auditory sensitivity leaves a child, teen or an adult in a state of discomfort from which they only want to reduce or stop immediately. It is said auditory sensory issues are a processing disorder. Some are born with it. The good news is that there can be relief through the NeuroDevelopmental Approach to Life. This approach focuses on the root cause in the brain and through specific stimulation activities impacts the neuroplasticity within the brain which allows the brain to change, develop new connections, or to repair them and bring the functional ability of experiencing sound into the normal range. Dr. Jan Bedell speaks to this issue, the techniques and skills that you can learn quite easily on the Ultimate Homeschool Radio Show through her podcasts entitled, Brain Coach Tips. This podcast is #20. Neurodevelopmentalist, Ruth Young joins her in this presentation. Learn, grow and gain new skills to give relief to help anyone with auditory sensory issues walk away from these episodes of discomfort and interruption of their ability to learn, comprehend, and recall information successfully.
by Dr. Jan Bedell 6 August 2022
Reading can be complex. When reading is a struggle, the first thing to check is how well reading prerequisites are mastered. Yes, there are certain things that must be in place for the brain to recognize letters and words. First, the brain has to receive the correct information. If the messages are not clear, there will be confusion. In the podcast "Make Reading Easier" episode, you will learn to check the function of the eyes for tracking and convergence. You will hear what the symptoms of poor central detail vision are, such as poor eye contact, skipping small words when reading, etc. Resources will be given to check the child’s visual processing (short term memory) as well as to improve visual discrimination (the ability to tell the difference between very similar words) . In addition, we will also discuss how to properly store information so that it can quickly be recalled later. A prerequisite to reading using the phonics approach is to have a good auditory processing ability (auditory short term memory). If processing is not well developed, reading with phonics past three letter words can be next to impossible. Don’t go buy another phonics program! It isn't the phonics program that is the issue, it is the processing that causes the difficulty. You will learn what to do when phonics is not working and how to prepare the brain to be able to use phonics in the future.
by Dr. Jan Bedell 4 August 2022
Visual challenges can be varied and sometimes hard to detect, but often mom or dad know something isn’t quite right. The challenge is to figure out what is causing the problem. The doctor might say, “The child’s vision is fine.” The question from a neurodevelopmentalist standpoint is, would the doctor be talking about 20/20 acuity (able to see up close and far away) or vision (the way the visual information is interrupted by the brain in giving the visual message)?  See if you recognize any of these symptoms of visual inefficiencies: Are you constantly saying, “Look at me when I am talking to you” but the child doesn’t seem to be able to maintain eye contact? Are there challenges with coloring within the lines or writing on the line or with writing letters that are the same size? Is the child too close to the reading material or math page when doing academics? Does the child skip lines or small words when reading? Does the child like to watch things that twirl or move like fan blades or toy car wheels? How about constantly wanting to dangle something like a string, sock, or anything else he can find to whirl and watch? Discover more about The NeuroDevelopmental Profile as it relates to vision and visual distortions in this Brain Coach Tip episode. There are seven main developmental levels that all children should go through. Some of these areas of development are compromised by our cultural practices of putting our infants in gadgets such as walkers, swings and jump-ups. When we don’t go through the correct stages where vision is developed, challenges can occur. The good news is that we don’t have to focus on the symptoms that can be on the checklists for labels such as Autism, ADD/ADHD or Sensory Integration Disorder. We can find the root cause of the symptoms and change the child’s function, thus eliminating the symptoms all together.
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