
Dyscalculia Training

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Dyscalculia Training

Truth be told, mathematics can be one of the most challenging subjects for children. Teaching math is already a daunting task to many, but teaching a child with dyscalculia is a completely different hurdle altogether.

“Experts” strongly recommend veering away from conventional math tutoring tools such as worksheets or flash cards. “They say” kids with this type of learning disability need a more hands-on, customized tactic, preferably something multisensory and highly engaging. Brain Sprints experts know that our NeuroDevelopmental dyscalculia training Approach organizes the brain to eliminate the symptoms leading to this diagnosis instead of just trying to find a way around it with coping and compensating.

We at Brain Sprints want the same thing you do: To see our children excel in school, including in math. However, learning disabilities such as dyscalculia can impede their progress, and, when left improperly treated, can affect their self-confidence and view of learning altogether. Let our experts here at Brain Sprints help you discover that the symptoms of dyscalculia can be eliminated. We have one of the biggest collections of brain training activities, exercises and techniques for combatting the root causes of dyscalculia.

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What is Dyscaculia?

Dyscalculia pertains to a learning disability in math. People also call it “mathematics learning disability” or “math disorder.” Like dyslexia, it is said to be one of the most common disabilities in the United States, affecting approximately 7 to 10 percent of the population. However, unlike dyslexia, dyscalculia is not as understood or recognized by many parents, brushing it off as a normal aversion towards the subject of math.

Children with dyscalculia have a noticeable difficulty in math at many levels, from basic math problems to the more abstract and complex math. They struggle in comparing biggest vs. smallest, linking a number to its word form, counting money, making change, estimating time, speed, distance, or height, recalling basic math facts like the multiplication table, solving word problems, holding numbers in their heads, understanding fractions and ratios, remembering phone numbers, telling time, and many more tasks involving numbers and math.

Children suspected of having dyscalculia normally undergo a thorough testing on their computation skills, math fluency, mental computation, and quantitative reasoning. There is no known cause of dyscalculia, but past studies by traditional educators indicate that it is likely hereditary and brought on by a problem in brain development. That’s where we come in!

We Provide Brain Training For Children With Dyscalculia

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Why Brain Sprints?

Brain Sprints takes pride in the 25+ years we have spent developing, and consistently innovating the NeuroDevelopmental Approach for training children with dyscalculia and other learning disabilities. We are one of the very few companies in Texas to offer this type of customized service. We stand out even more because of our high level of dedication to help every child, regardless of their disability and struggles. That is why families come from all over the United States to receive services. The unique nature of Brain Sprints’ application of the NeuroDevelopmental Approach is that we take into consideration the whole child through the areas of sensory input (auditory, visual and tactile) and motor output (gross motor, fine motor and language). The child is evaluated in these 6 areas and tracked through 9 levels of development. An individualized brain training program is then crafted from our 1,000+ activity database. Instead of focusing on labels and limiting your child’s potential based on what a dyslexia label dictates, we look at your child as an individual who has boundless potentials and untapped skills and talents. It is our job to help you and your child discover this way to a brighter future.

In addition, Brain Sprints has developed exclusive activities and revolutionary methods of teaching children math proficiency using the NeuroDevelopmental Approach. For instance, our Rapid Recall System and Visual Circle Math curriculum are highly effective, yet simple tools that parents can use to help their children anytime, anywhere. Our experts would be more than happy to guide you on how to maximize these tools for your child’s everyday learning at home.

Our Dyscalculia Treatment Services Include:

In-Home Training for Dyscalculia – After an in-person or video evaluation is conducted, an individualized NeuroDevelopmental plan is created. The details of implementing the plan are taught to the parents via a web-training site. Parents across the United States, or someone they choose, facilitates the activities five days a week with the child while unparalleled support is given through email, phone and bi-monthly teleconferencing. In some area of the DFW area, Brain Sprints trained Brain Coaches can be provided to implement the program for the parents.

Rapid Recall System – Your child can now learn math facts in less than 10 minutes a day. This cornerstone of all mathematics makes higher levels of mathematics more easily attainable. Rapid Recall is a spiraling, multi-sensory input system that applies NeuroDevelopmental principles to the acquiring of math facts in bite-sized yet intense sessions. The results – permanent rapid recall!

Visual Circle Math – Available for students from Kindergarten through 5th grade, this brain boosting tool is used to help children with dyscalculia and those who are struggling with basic math concepts. It accelerates the mastery of math concepts much faster than traditional math curriculums. The increase is typically a gain of one grade level during a four-month period of time.

Learn More About Helpful NeuroDevelopmental Programs – Subscribe to our newsletter for updates, tips, and insights on dyscalculia and other learning struggles. Brain Sprints Founder, Dr. Jan Bedell also conducts regular seminars, podcasts and workshops for parent education.

Don’t miss out on the articles written by Dr. Bedell and other NeuroDevelopmentalist about stimulating the brain to produce better function.

Brain Sprint’s

Free Dyscalculia Training Information


Got a question? We’re here to help.

  • Do you screen every child who enters your programs?

    – A NeuroDevelopmental screening or full evaluation is recommended to uncover the root causes of inefficiencies leading to the child’s diagnoses of dyscalculia. In contrast, schools and educational institutions in the United States have a set of guidelines in professionally diagnosing dyscalculia through testing of current ability. In our view, gaining the cause of the struggle and addressing that with a customized action plan is much more effective than just labeling and modifying.

  • At what age can my child start NeuroDevelopmental brain training?

    – You can start the road to your child’s improved math proficiency skills as early as today! Brain Sprints provides in-home and on-site brain training as well as brain boosting products for children from pre-school to the 12th grade. We recommend trying out our NeuroDevelopmental Approach as soon as possible. We can proceed to eliminate existing symptoms that continuously hinder your child’s academic growth.

  • Why Choose Brain Sprints for Dyscalculia Brain Training Services?

    As the saying goes, mathematics is a universal language. Math can be applied in any type of subject, in day-to-day living, or even in your child’s future work. This is why we at Brain Sprints cannot emphasize enough the importance of improving your child’s skills with math concepts as soon as possible. Rest assured that our brain training programs for children with dyscalculia are just the right combination of engaging and effective, which will have your child correctly solving word problems or counting change in no time.

    Let Brain Sprints show you how the NeuroDevelopmental Approach can revolutionize the way mathematics is being taught to children with dyscalculia. Call us today at 972-758-1260 or schedule a free 15-minute consultation with our experts.

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