An Extension of Little Giant Steps
Dr. Jan Bedell, has been working with syndromes (Charge, Down, Williams, Fetal Alcohol, Angelman) for over 25 years. These symptoms can be considered abnormal, or indicate a disorder, or disease, but all can see improved abilities by using the NeuroDevelopmental Approach for Life.
Functional abilities are affected, for the most part, whether it be syndromes or brain trauma. Injury to the brain can be from a variety of causes such as accidents, cases of genetic issues or injury at birth. Both can cause under-performance in many areas of life: academic, social, and behavior.
What is most helpful to parents with the Neuro-Developmental Approach for Life, is that the methodology works with the root causes of the problems. Little Giant Steps utilizes natural developmental activities like those that are responsible for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers developmental steps being accomplished and thereby naturally getting connections between the brain and body formed and functional.
Dr. Bedell, the Brain Coach, shares her personal experience with a family member who had many issues, and how her discovery of the NeuroDevelopmental Approach for Life, she saw abilities and function reach higher than ever dreamed possible. The family member certainly out-performed all the diagnosis or expectations of the experts! Dr. Jan has home schooled a special needs child and can show you the way with great effectiveness and results that will surprise everyone.
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