An Extension of Little Giant Steps
Every year we all experience the closing of our summer time-out, and the anticipation of a new school year. Sometimes we also get a touch of resistance, or anxiousness about what lies ahead in the upcoming school year.
Little Giant Steps’ Brain Coach, Dr. Jan Bedell, gives new insight as to what is the most important part of homeschooling your children. Your purpose, how staying on track will serve you and your vision for a successful and enjoyable homeschool year.
She'll help you to move into this new year with ease so as not to shock or cause unnecessary stress for you or the student. Just remember starting slow and gaining momentum is best. Pushing hard trying to get all established in the first week ends in more failures of adjustment than successes.
Also included this week will be specific tips for children that might be struggling with reading, math or math facts. Of course, alongside these, suggestions about how to use the key components of The NeuroDevelopmental Approach to help all those little brains function better will be included. Whether you have children who are gifted, typically developing, or challenged with learning labels and struggles, there is something here for you. As a bonus, if you are a mom that tends to be a perfectionist or compare your home school program or results to other homeschoolers there are life-changing recommendations for you.
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