An Extension of Little Giant Steps
Cycle one of Parent Coaching – Jump Start begins with Jump Start 1 (JS), a NeuroDevelopmental, in-home program for ages 7 and under. It is designed to pinpoint challenges, provide individualized brain building activities, and offer support without traveling to one of our Brain Sprints evaluation sites. Neurodevelopmental activities greatly reduce or often eliminate the root causes of brain inefficiencies. JS addresses issues with gross motor, fine motor, speech, language, auditory and visual function as well as sensory integration, behavioral and academic concerns where applicable. Children who have been placed in foster care, adopted or traumatized
NeuroDevelopment is effective for everyone from birth to 99 years of age. Brain Sprints has specific brain-building programs tailored to various needs and a broad range of age levels. This Program has proven successful for young children presenting with these symptoms:
Children with undetermined or unlabeled developmental delays
• Children who have been placed in foster care, adopted or traumatized
• Children who have been labeled with:
• Autism
• Down Syndrome
• Auditory Processing Disorder
• Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
• Sensory Processing Disorder
• And many more…
There is a great need across the country for NeuroDevelopmental brain training programs to help families address these challenges. Brain Sprints meets that need for families who are unable to travel every four months to one of our evaluation sites for an in-person evaluation with our PC-Jump Start system. This is an innovative way to provide families with individualized programs at home.
The PC-JUMP START system is a series of in-home, individualized, NeuroDevelopmental programs. This system implements unique activities in four-month cycles that build and strengthen neurological connections. A Brain Sprints professional to review an extensive client history form including the family’s goals.
The first year’s cycle consists of two four-month, at-a-distance cycles called Jump Start 1 & 2. An in-person evaluation with travel to an evaluation site is necessary at the 8th-month mark.
We can help. Book a FREE CONSULTATION Today!
Supplies for specific activities are not included because different children need different intervention and supplies. Program supplies are purchased separately after the program is received.
Brain Sprints Coaches believe that all future abilities are determined by what is presented to the individual’s brain, not what a label attempts to dictate. The focus of JS is to further brain pathway development by addressing the root causes of symptoms associated with developmental, speech and learning delays. The results – accelerated function!
All PC-JUMP START In-Home Programs address brain function in 6 areas:
Each area of function is addressed on 9 levels of brain development.
PC-JUMP START programs can also address concerns with behavior and metabolic challenges.
See how others have gone beyond traditional means to resolve functional challenges at the source!
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