An Extension of Little Giant Steps
The PC-Early Learning system offers NeuroDevelopmental (ND) intervention without requiring travel to a Brain Sprints evaluation site.
• The Early Learning Foundations (ELF) Curriculum (Levels 1, 2, or 3) includes brain-building activities and math.
• The complete PC-Early Learning system enhances ELF by adding reading and tactile activities, creating a comprehensive year-long program.
• Ongoing support and guidance are provided to ensure successful implementation.
ND activities greatly reduce or often eliminate the root causes of brain inefficiencies. PC-Early Learning addresses challenges with gross motor, fine motor, language, auditory and visual function as well as sensory integration, behavior and basic academics.
The PC-Early Learning System is built on NeuroDevelopment, a proven method effective for individuals from birth to 99 years old. Brain Sprints offers targeted brain-building programs designed for various needs and age levels.
This program can serve as your child's homeschool curriculum.
The PC-Early Learning System has been highly effective for typically developing children (ages 3-7) and those cognitively functioning at that level who experience challenges such as:
• Undiagnosed developmental delays
• Children with a history of foster care, adoption, or trauma
• Children diagnosed with:
• Autism
• Down Syndrome
• Auditory Processing Disorder
• Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
• Sensory Processing Disorder
• And more…
Many families across the country need NeuroDevelopmental brain training but cannot travel every four months for in-person evaluations. The PC-Early Learning System provides a flexible, at-home solution, offering individualized programs without the need for travel.
The PC-Early Learning system is a year-long, ND program that includes math and reading. This system also includes unique tactile activities that change every four-months to build and strengthen foundational neurological connections.
PC-Early Learning starts with a questionnaire that allows us to customize your child’s math and reading or pre-reading materials.
All supplies are included with the PC-Foundations system.
Brain Sprints’ Coaches believe that all future abilities are determined by what is presented to the individual’s brain, not what a label attempts to dictate. The focus of the PC-Early Learning system is to further brain pathway development by addressing the root causes of symptoms associated with developmental, speech and learning delays. The results – accelerated function!
All PC-Early Learning In-Home Programs address brain function in 6 areas:
See how others have gone beyond traditional means to resolve functional challenges at the source!
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