Parent Coaching Early Learning

Parent Coaching–Early Learning

Parent Coaching–Early Learning

The PC-Early Learning system offers NeuroDevelopmental (ND) intervention without requiring travel to a Brain Sprints evaluation site.

• The Early Learning Foundations (ELF) Curriculum (Levels 1, 2, or 3) includes brain-building activities and math.

• The complete PC-Early Learning system enhances ELF by adding reading and tactile activities, creating a comprehensive year-long program.

• Ongoing support and guidance are provided to ensure successful implementation.

ND activities greatly reduce or often eliminate the root causes of brain inefficiencies. PC-Early Learning addresses challenges with gross motor, fine motor, language, auditory and visual function as well as sensory integration, behavior and basic academics.

Who should use the Parent Coaching–Early Learning (PC-Early Learning) In-Home Program?

The PC-Early Learning System is built on NeuroDevelopment, a proven method effective for individuals from birth to 99 years old. Brain Sprints offers targeted brain-building programs designed for various needs and age levels.

This program can serve as your child's homeschool curriculum.

The PC-Early Learning System has been highly effective for typically developing children (ages 3-7) and those cognitively functioning at that level who experience challenges such as:

Undiagnosed developmental delays

Children with a history of foster care, adoption, or trauma

Children diagnosed with:

• Autism


• Down Syndrome


• Auditory Processing Disorder

• Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

• Sensory Processing Disorder

• And more…

Many families across the country need NeuroDevelopmental brain training but cannot travel every four months for in-person evaluations. The PC-Early Learning System provides a flexible, at-home solution, offering individualized programs without the need for travel.

Find Out if Parent Coaching–Early Learning Is Right for You

How Does it Work?

The PC-Early Learning system is a year-long, ND program that includes math and reading. This system also includes unique tactile activities that change every four-months to build and strengthen foundational neurological connections.

PC-Early Learning starts with a questionnaire that allows us to customize your child’s math and reading or pre-reading materials.

The year’s program consists of:

  • Neurodevelopmental curriculum – Early Learning Foundations Level 1, 2 or 3.
  • Online training for each activity recommended
  • Tactile activities that develop the central nervous system and change every 4 months
  • Complete math curriculum
  • Appropriate reading materials and ND techniques
  • Bi-monthly online group training and support
  • Reading and math strategies/recommendations/materials

Time Commitment

  • 2 hours a day (activities are typically spaced throughout the day and many are worked into the daily flow of the family)
  • 5 days each week

All supplies are included with the PC-Foundations system.

Basis for Success

Brain Sprints’ Coaches believe that all future abilities are determined by what is presented to the individual’s brain, not what a label attempts to dictate. The focus of the PC-Early Learning system is to further brain pathway development by addressing the root causes of symptoms associated with developmental, speech and learning delays. The results – accelerated function!

All PC-Early Learning In-Home Programs address brain function in 6 areas:

  • gross motor
  • fine motor
  • language
  • auditory
  • visual
  • tactility

How to Get Started:

  1. Submit questionnaire: A trained Brain Coach will determine the level of the child’s math and reading materials.
  2. Payment: Submit payment form for the appropriate level of Parent Coaching-Early Learning.
  3. Brain Training Program: Your ND program and supplies will be mailed to you. The NeuroDevelopmental activities are taught through a website specific to your level of Early Learning Foundations. All login information is included in your package.
  4. Future Tactile Programs: The PC-Early Learning system is a year-long ND and math curriculum. Based on your survey, you will also be given grade-level appropriate reading materials for the year as well. The tactile activities are given in four-month cycles. You will be contacted before the end of this cycle with login information for the next set of tactile activities.
  5. Bi-monthly support: Twice a month, you will be invited to join the Zoom meeting or listen to the recorded meeting at your convenience. There will be a short training on an aspect of ND and a question and answer segment.

Activity / Category Benefits

Gross Motor Activities 


  • overall brain organization
  • correct sense of pain
  • appropriate sensory behaviors
  • awareness of body in space
  • balance
  • sensory system
  • muscle tone

Fine Motor Activities


  • strength in hand and fingers
  • cortical opposition for pencil grasp
  • fine motor development

Tactile Activities


  • sense of pain perception
  • brain body connection
  • sense of light touch

Auditory Processing and Function


  • auditory short-term memory
  • attention span
  • ability to follow directions
  • listening comprehension
  • maturity level

Visual Processing and Function


  • eye convergence
  • eye tracking to facilitate reading
  • visual short term memory

Academic Techniques


  • math skills
  • reading skills
  • penmanship

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