An Extension of Little Giant Steps
Any time we recognize our child is struggling in school, we want to fix the problem as soon as possible. Dr. Jan Bedell knows what it's like to see her child struggle, and all the special classes, and schools were not helping. She's forever grateful for the opportunity to go to a seminar about the NeuroDevelopmental Approach. As a teacher, she fully realized that for her daughter to find wholeness is was not all about education. More than anything she wanted to "fix it".
She followed the process of having her child evaluated and learn the NeuroDeveopmental Programs that contained specific activities that would stimulate the brain to help with the basics, like lower level of brain organization, improving auditory and visual processing abilities, and much to her surprise it was evident that her daughters functional abilities were being impacted by doing these daily activities and helping her from the inside out.
Learning issues are typically given labels that fit with a certain set of symptoms. Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD. The NeuroDevelopmental Approach for Life causes those symptoms to go away - the glitches get fixed. The stimulation creates new neuro-pathways which allows the brain and it current functional abilities to change and improve the child's, teen's, or adult's abilities. People discover they are to be able to read, compute math, speak high levels of vocabulary, receive, store and recall information that is a part of their daily lives. Typically we see dyslexic symptoms disappear, ADD and ADHD suffers staying on task, and paying attention as the neuro-connections provide efficient communication between the brain and body. Being successful in school, work, and social experiences become a matter of course. Their sensory, visual, auditory, and tactile systems get "fixed"!
The Brain Coach covers the information of all the maladies that we as parents of children with labels have concerns about . She is here to show you how to get it fixed. Learning disabilities do not have to last a lifetime. It's high time for you to take the time to learn how you can "Fix It".
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