An Extension of Little Giant Steps
Did you ever notice you have to:
Supervise your teenager almost minute by minute during the day? Or did you have your child failing to keep their focus when they have tasks to complete?
Today's guest is Dr. Ron Johnson, founder of Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum. Dr. Jan Bedell has invited him because of his deep and sustained career in public schools as a principle and superintendent. His unique observation and even more unique vision of the need for values, virtues, and deciding to do the right thing was sorely needed in today's society.
After an extended time (21 years) being an executive for a major homeschool curriculum provider,being in close proximity of facets of our society in which our fatherless children in our society, he drove his desire to set things right by of have curriculum that would offer a new path to supporting and experiencing what it is like to receive male role models with positive expression of how things can be.
Through Doc's Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum (, his mission is to build a better foundation for those that are struggling and to recover at-risk children.
Today's offering has many hidden gems of his years of experience. Sharing his personal experiences, Dr. Johnson will give you gems to motivate your students. Helping those with labels who struggle with learning difficulties (labels) i.e. Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism, Sensory Disorders or just issues with memory or lagging neuro-development. A brighter future is assured with professionals such as Dr, Jan's guest today.
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