An Extension of Little Giant Steps
Do your children know how important having good manners and proper etiquette can be? Is there an awareness of the impact good manners and etiquette can have on how they are judged as a person? And how they can affect your social presence in a group? Today Monica Irvine from The Etiquette Factory visits with Dr. Jan Bedell about how important life-enhancing proper etiquette can be.
It seems as though parents aren't as prepared or were not taught by their own families to know there are certain social behavior that is approved of in subtle ways that can either set you apart in a positive way or in a very negative regard. “If you are not taught, you don’t know,” is what Monica has learned from speaking with parents who have used her products. It is never too early to start your children on the road to good manners. Preschoolers to high school students can benefit from these social graces that are life-enhancing. These lessons touch on everything from wedding and funeral etiquette to cellphone manners. Monica has been told by many parents that their children have grown in confidence when they understand these positive life-producing social skills.
Our society no longer teaches etiquette the way it has been taught in the past. “Children learn best when they can relate the social event in their environment with the etiquette skills utilized at certain times and events,” says Monica. Our children need to be taught because we are sending messages to others no matter what we do. Do we want to send a message that we are thinking of others or thinking of ourselves? Tune in, to today’s Brain Coach Tips to learn how to teach your children the benefits of being equipped to adapt to the best in a given social enviornment.
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