An Extension of Little Giant Steps
Maybe you have never envisioned yourself teaching your children at home but today you are waking up to the job of educating your children with minimal help from the traditional school system. If this is where you find yourself today, then you need to know 5 important things that can help you address the new challenges you are facing.
Believe it or not, your child can enjoy school especially if you teach to your child’s interests. It may take a few days to find your stride, but watch them each day when they start their non traditional school day. Do they light up when it comes to reading a new selection but their eyes glaze over when they start to work on math? Study their behaviors and look for the things that interest them.
Becoming a homeschool parent with no warning is a daunting experience. But you may find that this opportunity is a great way to develop a new relationship with your child.Take some time each morning to plan the day and spend one on one time with each of your children.
You don't have to be a certified teacher to home school your children. You may not have a teaching degree or understand the inner workings of their assignments that have been sent home, but what you do know is more valuable. You know your child better tahn anyone else. You also come to the table each morning with life skills and knowledge that is valuable. Don’t be intimidated by what you don’t know. Instead, use the internet and school provided resources to supplement what you may not feel are your strong points.
Many parents that find themselves in the role of unexpected homeschool parent worry about finding the perfect curriculum. There is no perfect curriculum so don't be too concerned about covering everything. Many times,
internet searches can fill in the gaps in current knowledge anyway.
There is much more to being educated than making it through certain curriculum books. Take some time to read with your children and disucss what you read from your worldview . It teaches your children to think for themselves!
I encourage you to learn more about NeuroDevelopment. That knowledge can help young brains at your house work better and help you face the daily challenges of unexpected homeschooling.
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