An Extension of Little Giant Steps
Here at Brain Sprints (Little Giant Steps) we have programs and materials that are available for instant download so you can get the information and move forward with the education of your child. Take a look at these resources and then contact us for a free consultation so we can help you dig in and incorporate the Neurodevlopmental Approach for education.
Designed and created by Dr. Jan Bedell and the team at Brain Sprints, each of these downloadable resources is intended to equip and empower you in your unexpected homeschool journey.
Join Jan in a two-hour seminar that teaches you to test for and change developmental inefficiencies. All humans seem to have some.
This information-filled seminar gives you an understanding of The NeuroDevelopmental Approach for Life. The best possible development can be assured when you are equipped with the correct knowledge. Learn to test for visual and auditory short term memory and many more developmental skills. Anyone’s brain organization can be improved and learning challenges don't have to last a lifetime.
There is hope to release your child’s fullest potential. Most diagnoses of learning challenges come with specific lists of what to expect and what the future holds. Then, our children are labeled according to that diagnosis. Don't believe them! What the future holds is not something that can be predetermined or preset. What the future holds is based upon the various opportunities presented to the child or individual. Watch, listen and learn. You are the key to unlocking your child’s true potential.
Different voices and special effects add intensity for young listeners. Each track, created without music, assures information is stored for easy retrieval. Skip counting creates an ideal foundation for multiplication and division skills.
Contains skip counting by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12...20. Each number other than 5, 2 and 10 is counted to 12 times a number as that is what we have found is most needed.
Nothing in all creation can compare to the amazing capacity for adaptability of the human brain. Research into neural plasticity of the brain (the brain’s ability to change and adapt) has proven that every child can learn and function more efficiently when the brain is given proper stimulation with the appropriate frequency, intensity, and duration.
This download is intended for single family use only. This product is copyrighted and under punishment of law our downloadable products are not to be shared or copied for redistribution or re-sale.
Visual Circle Math meets a broad range of needs. It is designed to start a beginning mathematician out with a good foundation of math concepts or quickly accelerate those students that are struggling or bored with the current math curriculum. Visual Circle Math concepts range from Kindergarten level to the beginning of 5th grade (see video and chart for details).
The Visual Circle Math method:
Visual Circle Math will build a solid foundation of math concepts that will last a lifetime. Since the emphasis is math computation concepts only, supplementation of time, temperature, measurement and geometry concepts are needed.
To help you prepare your young ones for formal academics, we have Early Foundations NeuroDevelopmental Mini-Programs. In these programs, the school year is divided into three parts. Part 1 is to be done for approximately three months, then you can order Part 2, followed three months later by Part 3 to complete your school year. Changes in the program every three months insure that the brain is continually stimulated in the core areas and doesn’t “turn off” the stimulation because of familiarity.
The full Early Foundations program addresses six areas of development (tactile, auditory, visual, manual, language, and mobility) that are needed to do well in school and life. Each mini-program includes activities that address directly or indirectly these six key developmental areas.
Brain boosting activities in each part of the mini-program will take less than an hour to accomplish each day. Plus, the small segments of time (1-5 minutes for each activity) can be integrated throughout the day as part of your lifestyle instead of a sit-down concentrated hour of time.
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